Welcome to Sangrian
Featuring the work of John R. Whitman.Creative Prisons Project
The Creative Prisons Project is an unfunded, personal initiative to engage more people in prison in producing creative works, to protect their intellectual property, and to facilitate ways to share their works with the public.
Social Economy Project
The Social Economy Project aims to raise awareness and understanding of the social economy, consisting of the organizations in the economy that have a primary purpose of meeting social, rather than financial, needs.
Diplomacy Project
The Diplomacy Project undertakes works that relate to experience in the Foreign Service.
Creative Libraries Project
The Creative Libraries Project includes works that aim to increase and expand the value of libraries, particularly public libraries.
John R. Whitman, PhD. Entrepreneur, academic, author: Whitman teaches and consults in business and nonprofit management with a specialty in social entrepreneurship and applying educational strategies to solve social problems. He has taught at American University, Babson College, Georgetown University, Harvard University Extension School, Northeastern University, and The University of Alabama in Huntsville. Co-founder of the Museum for Black Innovation and Entrepreneurship, he has also founded companies in software development (Oakland Group, Inc.), survey research (Surveytools Corporation), and film production (Camisary, Inc.). Publications include books and articles on the social economy, social entrepreneurship, philanthropy, intellectual property, cooperatives, creativity in prisons, and library management. Dr. Whitman received his A.B. from Boston University, Ed.M. from Harvard University, and Ph.D. from the University of Toronto (dissertation: Evaluating Philanthropic Foundations: A Comparative Social Values Approach, including foundations in Canada, Europe, and the United States). Dr. Whitman resides in Chicago. The name Sangrian is homage to my natural father's Spanish roots. A précis of current work may be found here.
Please email inquiries to whitman at sangrian.com.